Hello Stockholm with H&M

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

On a 1-week trip, H&M flew me from Lima to Stockholm to visit their HQ before their first store opened in Peru.

It has been quite an experience to get to the behind the scenes of the massive Swedish-fashion giant. From meeting the team that develops the multiple store catalogs, online product pages and flat lays, to knowing that the CEO of this mega company Karl Johan Persson —whose grandfather was the founder— works 2 days a year as a sales assistant, usually in the centre Stockholm store.

It’s hard to imagine the heir of this multinational company working as a regular salesperson, unpacking bags, organising the shelves and scanning bar codes. However, this has been implemented as a way to improve the customer service and shorten the distance between the top-tier management and the customers. Organisation is key. And work team, where there is always a found to share and improve the teams work with assertive comments.


As a first-timer in Sweden, I chose a light brick-orange jacket, grey accessories and white sneakers to explore the streets of Stockholm on fresh spring days.

Altogether, it is funny to think that this was my first time visiting Europe, and while many people pick more touristic places like France, Italy, Spain or even the UK for their first time in the old continent, I feel lucky that some Nordic charm gave me the best first-impression of this part of the world.


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